We have the favors done for the wedding guests. They are small jars of honey. The wedding is being held at an orchard and they produce honey, so we used their honey to make up these cute thank you gifts.
We started with huge 5 lb jars of honey!! Oh my, the aroma of the honey was amazing and that beautiful amber color. Kelly's fiance had been eyeing the honey since we had brought it home, and she had to keep warning him to stay out of it. We ended up having this much left over so he will finally get to enjoy some of the honey.
We measured out the amount for each jar from a big bowl.
Carefully filling and sealing each of the jars. Then we added burlap covers on top. This proved to be much more difficult than we imagined because the burlap was so stiff that it kept popping off the slippery lid! We finally got a system with rubberbands worked out and then added the twine and label. BTW, Kelly's sister Alyssa made all of the little favor tags. She is really good at doing the computer layouts for all of our signs and tags.
Kelly's Dad even got into the project, helping with the rubberbands and twine. He did not understand however why on earth the jars needed burlap covers on the lids Ha! Ha!
Overall, we are very happy with how they turned out. We are down to 10 days till the wedding, and really stressing about the weather. Hopefully it will warm up a bit. Only a high of 50 today!
Thanks for visiting, hope you have a great day!